
Sometimes living on a student budget can feel more like “living” than anything else.

One day you wake up and realise that you have had Me Goreng for lunch ten days in a row, you’re using an old bar of soap as shampoo, body wash and shaving cream, and selling one of your internal organs on eBay doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.

It’s a bad idea.

Not having as much money as the people around you can be hard, especially when they all seem to have their lives together and you’re secretly wearing your underpants inside out because you haven’t done a load of washing in a month.

I’ve designed Student Budget Living as a resource for people like me who are holding back from living because of the financial stress that comes with being a student (or otherwise!). It’s going to include unique ways to make a bit of extra cash, super cheap meal ideas, tips on saving money, and how you can put yourself in a position where you can go to a bar with friends…when it’s not happy hour.


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